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Best Machines! Ranging from plastic to Stainless Steal
From $65.99
Tattoo Inks from Skin Candy to Liquid Metal!
From $8.00
Designer Power Supplies in all colors!
From $35.00
Stainless Steal Needles with a Lifetime Guarentee!
From $12.00
Tattoo Ointments From Various Manufacturers
From $5.95
Great Tubes at the Lowest Prices Around!
From $9.50

Hollywood, CA
    Our Hollywood base is the main facility for AMC Skyline Tattoo Supplies. All locations are directly linked to this base.

New York, NY
    Skyline Tattoo Supplies offers it's services in the Empire State as well.

Washington, DC
    The capitol of our country also offers our Tattooing Supplies services.

Miami, FL
    Sunny Miami, Florida harbors another of our branches to serve some of the most famous tattoo parlors.

Las Vegas, NV
    Our Las Vegas branch serves two of the most recently famous tattoo parlors in the world!